Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 62, 63, and 64

Due to lack of time (and slight laziness on my part) I haven't had a chance to update! So now I will attempt to sum up each day from this weekend in a few sentences...

Friday: I spent the afternoon hiking outside in the wonderful sunshine which was a perfect way to end the week because normally I am cooped up in my apartment doing homework. A little time exploring outdoors goes a long way.
Saturday: I celebrated Halloween with a few close friends,which is always a fun time.
Sunday: Despite several things that did not go as planned, it was a productive day of homework and catching up after a busy weekend. Also, I found out I have an interview with the Angels for an internship position next week! That was a definitely highlight. Btw, I can't believe it's already November. Time really does fly.

This week I am challenging myself to spend more time thinking about the positives. Many things have not gone as planned the past couple of days (it usually seems that way: "when it rains, it pours") but I am doing the best I can to remember that things always get better.



  1. Here's hoping that KMWorld goes as planned! Looking forward to seeing you there.....

  2. Yes I can't believe that is one week away!
