Monday, February 8, 2010

Don't overlook the small things..

Happy Monday! It's already a great start to the week and here are just a few reasons why...
  • I happened upon a positive-thinking blog today, What's the BEST that can happen? and I really enjoy reading it. Similar to The Daily Challenge, the author looks at the world through an optimistic pair of eyes. As always, I enjoy watching the world through other people. Something that I particularly liked was in a post earlier today: " Today's challenge: Smile at the person(s) in the car next to you at every stop light (a fleeting smile...not a creepy one, ha)." Check it out for yourself!
  • Another great blog to add to the list was recently started by a close friend of mine. Her blog, My French Lunch Break, aims to take a few minutes out of each day to appreciate the small things that may otherwise pass you by. Again, an awesome approach to life! Love it!
  • Our PR campaign officially started today, and we spent a good portion of the morning decorating campus with our posters, fliers, and balloons, as well as setting up a table to promote the Census and inform students on campus what it's all about. I know that PR is the right field of work for me because I was looking forward to today ALL weekend! Yes that is the PR nerd inside of me...
  • While I was running errands today I stopped in a professor's office to ask a question and noticed one poster on his wall, with a simple yet powerful message: "Dream Big." I love that it was the only thing hanging on the wall and even more I love how those two words can mean SO much. Yet another uplifting experience of today!
  • I saw the movie "Precious" last night. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it is a very tragic story of the hardships that a teenage girl faces while growing up in Harlem. It was really difficult to sit through because a lot of the material was horrifying to imagine that people actually face these difficulties as their own reality in everyday life. I would say it is a positive for me today because I took a few extra minutes to appreciate everything that is going right in my life, and everything that has gotten me to where I am today. I feel so fortunate and blessed that I have never had to deal with even a fraction of what the young woman in the film had to live through, and watching the story really did make me appreciate everything in my life that much more.
  • The best part of today? It's not over yet! It's only 6:00 p.m.... meaning there are plenty more opportunities in the next few hours to SMILE and pass it on.
How about your mood-lifting moments of today?



  1. Nice post!! You sounded really jazzed up today, what a great way to start a week!! Dream big!!

  2. Thanks for the link my dear! Google Analytics tells me it already brought in 7 views :)
    Love you!

  3. Thank you both for your comments! Alyssa I was glad to include your blog it is awesome and I really enjoy reading it!!

    And dad yes I was "jazzed up" today was a GREAT start to the week!!

  4. I had to laugh at your comment about smiling at people in the car next to you. We do something similar to this when we are on vacation. Except our version involves lots of waving and huge, smiley lit up faces. Our goal is to get them to at least wave back:)

    I haven't seen the movie Precious but would like to. I have seen The Blind Side about 5 times already -- luv that movie!

  5. Thanks for the comments about my blog! I have enjoyed seeing people hop over to mine from yours...and also seeing people hop from mine to yours! We're spreading the word! Ha. I saw Precious, and there were a few parts when I thought I might have gotten physically sick. Horrific to imagine, but, like you, it gives me another chance to be grateful for my own life and also to be empathetic and non-judgemental of those less fortunate. You never know what a persons story is. Keep up the good work!
