What another wonderful Wednesday. I had the opportunity to enjoy some driving time on the open freeway with great music on my way to Costa Mesa to meet with someone from a volunteer organization, Boys Hope Girls Hope, that I'm looking to get involved with. (And I already decided that even if I don't have the time to be involved in any way because of scheduling conflicts, today was a great chance just to sit down and meet someone who spends everyday doing great things.) Anyway we met and chatted for about an hour about the organization and what types of opportunities there are for volunteers and I absolutely love the cause that they support. Basically the aim of Boys Hope Girls Hope is to take in children between the ages of 10-14 who come from underprivileged families where for whatever reason, their parents can no longer care for them and hand complete guardianship over to BHGH. The students live in housing, one for the boys and one for the girls, and their education and living expenses are completely paid for, and they are taught vital life skills, preparation for life outside of school, how to fill out a FAFSA.. things like that. I think it is incredibly uplifting to hear some of the stories of these kids, the things they overcome, and how they still manage to stay strong and graduate high school and potentially go on to college. I could not stop smiling the entire drive home just thinking about the potential for inspiring others this volunteer position could have.
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