Sunday, January 29, 2012

Keep moving!

Every week, Saturday and Sunday come and go and still to (mostly) everyone's surprise, Monday morning arrives. Without fail, the phrases I hear every week include:

"The weekend just wasn't long enough."
"Just a few more days until the weekend!"
"Hooray -it's Friday!"

OK yes, I do love the weekends. It's great to sleep in and have a bit of down time. However, as the other five days of the week take up more of my time - I think focusing on how to make these just as great is really important for having a quality of life. Counting down the minutes until the next weekend is overlooking all of the great things that Monday through Friday have to offer.

So for the past hour as I've been getting things in place for the week, I've played Mr. Scruff's "Get  A Move On!" on repeat and I've never been more eager for a Monday morning! This eight minute song is guaranteed to get you movin' & groovin' and ready to take on whatever this week has to bring. Also, if you're a Spotify user, subscribe to my Good Morning Playlist for additional good-mood-jams.

How do you start your week off stress-free?

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