Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just say NO!!!!

I learned something really important today. It IS possible to say no to extra responsibilities and projects. It is possible to turn down an opportunity when you literally do not have the time. It is possible to say no to something without the world ending!

It's been a long semester getting to that point.. but there is a time when you have to realize that you need to meet your own needs first! Are you sleeping? Are you eating? Working out? Seeing friends? Having fun? Relaxing?!

It's great to help people out and make commitments to projects. It's not so great to leave zero room for yourself. That being said, today was a refreshing lesson in saying NO! I encourage you to do it! It may even lead you to a boost in your happiness!


1 comment:

  1. I applaud you for recognizing this important and effective time management tool at such a young age :)
